Monday, August 19, 2013

The story of Callie McSorley Hetrick
(aka Kalzone)
I’m sure many of you are wondering about the “extra” Hetrick child running around . . .  then again, I’m sure many of you are not wondering at all.
Well, we’ll fill you in anyway:

About this time last year, a friend of mine (Kourtney), Leney Breeden, invited me to check out a new ladies Bible study in the west end. After attending for several weeks, I was starting to wonder why God was so persistent about me going. The time was nice, most of the girls were very quiet and sweet, but it was not affiliated with the church I was attending at the time and it seemed a little random that I was there at alt. But for whatever reason, week after week I felt a strong sense that I was suppose to keep going.
So I did.
One week during prayer request time, Callie McSorley, who may have been the quietest out of the bunch, shared for the first time a little about herself. She asked us to pray for her dad. The comment was quickly jotted down in the girls “Prayer Book” and the circle continued.
But of course, nosy me, I wanted more info…So I interrupted whatever poor girl was trying to speak next, to inquire about Callie’s prayer request. She told us she didn’t know where her dad was. She said one night last year he left and never came back. No one knows where he is and no one has heard from him.
I’m not sure if it was the love of Christ for Callie in me, or my sadness of imagining my life without my own dad in this way. But I broke down…I walked over to Callie with tears running down my face and started to hug her and pray. Right then and there all the girls put their hands on Callie and started to pray with us.

Later that evening Leney asked me if I wouldn’t mind giving Callie, (who most likely thought I was a little strange at this point), a ride home. Of course I wanted to know more about her and said yes.
On our way to her house, Callie opened up to me about her life at present. It was incredible to hear this sweet quiet girl, who I had written off as an average, church going kid, speak about her life story. She had been through more trials and heartache then I could imagine.
…You have to understand, Callie is the most joyful, chill, peaceful person I have ever known and getting her to talk about herself was like pulling teeth! I had to ask specific questions. It was clear she did not want any pity from me as she talked in a very polite cheerful manner. Always ending her sentence with “But its okay now!”
Towards the end of our ride she mentioned that her living arrangements here were coming to an end an. she would be moving away to Texas in a few weeks. She admitted that she wasn’t particularly excited about the move as she was finally adjusting to life in Richmond, making friends and community here. It sounded to me that she had been living the life of a gypsy in various ways for many years, and needed a safe place to call home. As Callie got out of the car I turned and looked at her to say “You’re not moving to Texas.”
She laughed and said “Yes, we need to come up with a plan.” (Probably still thinking a was a little off my rocker…)

That night I went home, burdened by Callie’s story and a bit perplexed by her attitude on life. I shared with my mom and dad about “this girl I met at Bible study.” The next morning dad and I talked in the kitchen, as we often do before he leaves for work. He said; “I can’t explain it, but the girl you were talking about last night has been so heavy on my heart this morning and during my devotions I felt the Lord extending an invitation for her to live with us.”

The rest is kind of obvious; she moved in and changed her name to Kalzone, (so as not to be confused with Kalli). And we all lived happily ever after… Except to say, I know some people make jokes about the “Hetrick’s taking in another stray” or “adopting another one.” But the truth of the matter is, I can’t remember what home life was like without Kalzone. She fit in so well from day one it was like it was always supposed to be this way. I’m in awe of the way the Lord molds lives together. The story of my sister Kalzone is no different. I’m very grateful to the people who listened to God this past year and made this all a reality; Leney, for inviting me to the Bible study; my parents, who fearlessly chase after God’s will for their lives and the lives of their children; Kati, Kris, Kari, Pete, Kalli and Kyle and all of my extended family who welcome people in with open arms never asking questions and of course Kalzone for having an open heart to take that leap of faith with us.

Who would have thought that two girls who didn’t even know the other one existed a year ago would be traveling halfway around the world together to spread God’s love…Kalzone has never been out of the country or on a mission’s trip. I’ve never done a missions trip with a sibling nor been to Asia. It’s a first for both of us, but we are so excited and blessed to have a community around us that loves and supports us in this new journey. I know the Lord has huge things for both of us.
Thank you so much for all you do in our lives.

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